24.07.2021 09:46


Are you ready for your Russian course in St. Petersburg
this Autumn?

Derzhavin Institute is happy to announce special accommodation and course package rates for in-person study for those travelling to St. Petersburg in September – December 2021


09.04.2021 13:27

We are pleased to announce the launch of another essay competetion!

Our Essay Contest is designed to challenge our students and subscribers to become creative thinkers and to express their ideas and thoughts in Russian through the art of writing. To speak well without making too many mistakes, you need to write well. As this skill is always lagging behind, we want to motivate development of this skill through essay competition.

The general big topic of our essay contest is: “Города и страны”.

NB! Micro topic are assigned for each level (A1, A2, B1, B2+) 

Entrants have the opportunity to receive:

  • Every participant will receive written feedback from the teacher on his/her essay: all mistakes will be corrected and correct options will be given.
  • Every participant will be awarded with a 20% discount on any group course or any author’s course.
  • The winner of each level (the winner is the one who gets the maximum score) – one free lesson of the author’s course:
    • А1 – a lesson in the course Grammar made Easy
    • A2 – a lesson in the course Reading and Listenin
    • B1 – a lesson in the course Reading of the Russian poetry of 1960’s or a lesson in the course Step to Fluency B1
    • В2 – a lesson in the course Topical conversation about Russia or a lesson in the course All shades of Russian Grammar

Your essay should be written in Russian (Microsoft Word document or PDF) and should not be less than necessary quantity of sentences for your level (find in the table below).

All entrants must submit by email only their essays to social@derzhavin.com by Thursday, April 22, 2021, 4pm Moscow time, and the results will be announced next day – Friday, April 23 (The announcement form is being specified, each participant will be announced via e-mail). Each e‐mail submission will receive a return message verifying that the essay was received. In case you didn’t receive a return message for a maximum 2 days, please clarify with us if we have received your submission.

Essay micro topics for each level, linguistic constructions expected in the text of the essay, and criteria for evaluation are explained in the table below:


24.03.2021 14:26

Let’s talk about time, plans, dates!

How to talk about plans and future events in Russian? Join our open lesson and you will be able to answer the following questions without hesitation:
– Когда?
В какой день? / В каком месяце? / В какое время года?
-Какого числа?
Во сколько?
– Какие планы на …?

Date: April 1, Thursday
Time: 21.00-21.50 Moscow time
Where: ZOOM online
Language: The lesson will be held in Russian.
Price: Free of charge!

Please fill the form to book your place:

[contact-form-7 id=”23681″ title=”OPEN LESSON 1 April”]

Online Russian language classes
Offline Russian language classes

03.03.2021 13:57

“Первый блин комом!”

Russian Maslenitsa is coming next week! Do you know this Russian carnival? Have you ever heard about the phraseological unit “первый блин комом” and what it means? Join our open lesson and you will understand everything yourself! We will cook pancakes live! You will learn the authentic Russian pancake recipe!
You can cook your own pancakes with us! Just prepare the following ingredients: eggs, milk, flour, sugar, salt, vegetable oil. You will also need a frying pan, a bowl, and a ladle. You will learn how to make Russian pancakes from these ingredients in our culinary master class in Russian!

Date: March 11, Thursday
Time: 21.00-21.50 Moscow time
Where: ZOOM online
Language: The lesson will be held in Russian.
Level: All levels!
Price: Free of charge!

Please fill the form to book your place:

[contact-form-7 id=”22614″ title=”OPEN LESSON 11 March”]

Online Russian language classes
Offline Russian language classes

18.02.2021 11:05

“Russian women and their impact on the world”

March 8 is International Women’s Day which is widely celebrated in Russia and in the most Post-Soviet countries. Therefore, we decided to organize a special lesson dedicated to Russian women in general and this holiday in particular.

You will learn the history of the international holiday, the peculiarities of celebrating this day in Russia, outstanding women of Russia and their achievements. You will learn how to congratulate on this holiday and how to say compliments in Russian.

Date: February 25, Thursday
Time: 21.00-21.50 Moscow time
Where: ZOOM online
Language: The lesson will be held in Russian.
Level: All levels!
Price: Free of charge!

Please fill the form to book your place:

[contact-form-7 id=”18454″ title=”OPEN LESSON 25th February”]

Online Russian language classes
Offline Russian language classes

12.02.2021 16:07

We are pleased to announce the launch of our first essay competition!

Our Essay Contest is designed to challenge our students and subscribers to become creative thinkers and to express their ideas and thoughts in Russian through the art of writing. To speak well without making too many mistakes, you need to write well. As this skill is always lagging behind, we decided to motivate development of this skill through essay competition.

The general big topic of our first essay contest is: “Я изучаю русский язык”.

NB! Micro topic are assigned for each level (A1, A2, B1, B2+) 

Entrants have the opportunity to receive:

  • Every participant will receive written feedback from the teacher on his/her essay: all mistakes will be corrected and correct options will be given.
  • Every participant will be awarded with a 20% discount on any group course or any author’s course.
  • The winner of each level (the winner is the one who gets the maximum score) – one free lesson of the author’s course:
    • А1 – a lesson in the course Grammar made Easy (starting on 01.03 at 10.00 or at 20.00)
    • A2 – a lesson in the course Reading and Listening (on Tuesday at 20.00)
    • B1 – a lesson in the course Reading of the Russian poetry of XIX century (starting in March 3, 6, 10, 13) or a lesson in the course Step to Fluency B1
    • В2 – a lesson in the course Topical conversation about Russia or a lesson in the course All shades of Russian Grammar

Your essay should be written in Russian (Microsoft Word document or PDF) and should not be less than necessary quantity of sentences for your level (find in the table below).

All entrants must submit by email only their essays to social@derzhavin.com by Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 14pm Moscow time, and the results will be announced next day – Friday, February 26 (The announcement form is being specified).

Essay micro topics for each level, linguistic constructions expected in the text of the essay, and criteria for evaluation are explained in the table below:

21.01.2021 17:06

“Genitive Plural in Use”

How to use Genitive Case in Plural nouns in Russian? In which situations? Join our open lesson to master the use of Genitive Plural! After this lesson you will be able to use this case in such situations as:

1) Asking a question with the word «сколько» (= how much):
«Сколько раз ты был(а) в России»?
«Сколько языков ты знаешь?»

2) In structures with “мало”, “много”, “несколько”:
«Мало денег, книг»
«несколько часов, раз, дней»
«много лет, друзей, идей, дел»

3) In situations where you need to explain the reason:
«Из-за пробок я опоздал(а) на работу»
«В субботу у меня не будет дел, поэтому я буду отдыхать дома.»
«Я так много работаю, что у меня нет сил.»

Date: January 27, Wednesday
Time: 21.00-21.50 Moscow time
Where: ZOOM online
Language: The lesson will be held in Russian.
Price: free of charge!

Please fill the form to book your place:

[contact-form-7 id=”18454″ title=”OPEN LESSON 27th January”]

Online Russian language classes
Offline Russian language classes

10.12.2020 17:27


Dopo la lezione, potrai augurare ai tuoi amici russi un Buon Natale e un Felice Anno Nuovo in russo ed anche augurare salute e far un brindisi festivo.
Vieni e prova a comunicare in russo in un atmosfera rilassata e festosa!

Abbiamo preparato I regali speciali per tutti i partecipanti!

Livello: tutti i livelli!
Data: mercoledì 16 dicembre
Orario: 21:00-21:50 (Ora di Mosca )
Lingua: la lezione si terrà in russo
Prezzo: GRATIS!
Online: Zoom

Si prega di compilare il modulo per prenotare il posto:

[contact-form-7 id=”18454″ title=”DEMO LESSON 16th December”]
23.11.2020 15:47


20% Discount Special Offer to Learn Russian!
Book any Russian group course with the promo code BLACK2020 until November 30 to get a 20% discount!
General Russian and Special Online courses in small groups starting every week.
The number of students in the group is limited. Hurry up!


02.11.2020 18:02

Dear future students of Derzhavin Institute!
We are pleased to announce that from November onwards we have a new option in our schedule. 4 of our special courses are available at a new time
?15:00-16:30 (Moscow time).


23.10.2020 14:16

Did you study Russian before but forgot? This course is for you!
REFRESH YOUR RUSSIAN SKILLS with us by speaking, listening, reading and writing.
After this course you will:

  • understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a certain type;
  • be able to introduce yourself and others, and can ask and answer questions about personal details;
  • interact in a simple way.

Course program

Week 1 – Food and eating habits, numbers, ordering in a restaurant
You can describe what you like and what you don’t like using Accusative case.
You can ask and understand the food price.

Week 2 – The place I live. Best place to be on holidays.
You can describe where you live using Prepositional case.
You can describe places you like to be on holidays using adjectives.

Week 3 – Conversation topics we like to talk about. Free time activities.
You can describe your hobbies and interests.
You can express your opinion.

You can explain why you like or dislike doing something using the verbs играть в/на, заниматься, кататься.
Week 4 – Making plans. My daily routine and habits before and during coronavirus.
You can discuss plans with other people (what to do, where to go and when to meet) using days of week and verbs of motion идти-ходить.
You can describe where you used to go and where you go now.

Timetable: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00-11:30 MSC
Dates: from 02.11 till 27.11
4 weeks – 6 academic hours per week. Total: 24 hours



23.10.2020 11:35

Dear current students of Derzhavin Institute, we ask you to pay attention to the fact that Russia does not switch to winter time! The start time of your classes remains the same (Moscow time).


13.11.2020 08:44

Tourism in Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world, and it is larger than life! Other than the large area it occupies, it is a country where traditions and culture varies across different timezones. Every city is a different experience, so add Russia to your bucket list, pronto!

In light of Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a halt on an upward trend in tourism to Russia. Now the Russian tourism industry reportedly wants the government to help it recover by making it easier for visitors to get a visa – by offering visas valid for multiple visits, over a period of up to five years.

Testimonianze dei nostri studenti


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