Daiki Yamada, March 2022
Tatsuya Yoshizawa, March 2022
It took a long for me to study and understand this great poet which is meaning a lot for me tonight, 21, Monday.
Wanted to share with you, great people of institute.
Wishing for you all, goodness..
Let’s hope the very beginning of the spring brings everyone happiness.
Mustafa, February 2022
Я учусь онлайн у Ирины Раковой уже больше года. Темы представлены в интересной, актуальной и хорошо структурированной форме. Ирина всегда отлично подготовлена. Она всегда остается приветливой и терпеливой. Мы не только узнали много нового о России, но и улучшили свои языковые навыки. Всю неделю с нетерпением ждала занятия Ирины в субботу. Спасибо, Ирина!
Martina Jürgens, December 2021
Этот был очень полезный и интересный курс, ни легкий, ни сложный. Преподавательница Ирина Ракова всегда профессиональная и хорошая. Oна объяснила очень четко и никогда не скучно. Мне очень нравиться практиковаться с разными буквами каждый раз, обычно заканчивая песней и идиомами. Я уже замечаю разницу, когда читаю и говорю по-русски, и больше не делаю ошибок произношения, которые делал раньше!
Francesco Molluzzo, Italy, October 2020
It is much more effective to learn the intricacies of the Russian language with help from an instructor at Derzhavin. Within a few classes, I was much further along than where I envisioned myself being and enjoying the challenges. Having an instructor helps to focus on what’s needed for improvement, having a clear direction and creating foundational order in the structure of the language.
I am very very very happy I did this program. I was a little worried because I wouldn’t actually be in Saint Petersburg, but I still feel like I learned so much. I feel like I really couldn’t speak Russian when I started, but now I can write 3 pages about Crime and Punishment in Russian and hold a decent conversation. The program was well organized and ran smoothly considering it was the first time online. I definitely recommend it to anyone studying Russian and if I could go back, I’d take it again.
J’ai beaucoup apprécié ma semaine d’étude de la langue russe (dernière semaine de septembre 2019) à l’Institut Derzhavin.
Les professeurs sont de vrais professionnels : les cours sont vivants et très structurés. Les sujets abordés sont bien ancrés dans la réalité quotidienne. Les difficultés grammaticales et le nouveau vocabulaire sont bien amenés ; mélange intelligent des différentes formes d’apprentissage : lecture, écriture, dialogues entre les élèves, systématisation… Les documents pédagogiques sont de très grande qualité et les documents Audio excellents.
Le personnel de l’Institut, qu’il soit personnel pédagogique ou administratif est particulièrement attentionné et chaleureux.
Dans les locaux de l’Institut, on se sent comme à la maison : thé et café à volonté, possibilité de rester à l’Institut pour étudier le temps qu’on désire, ordinateurs et imprimante mis à disposition.
Le site internet est clair et bien construit, on y trouve tous les éléments de réponses pour son inscription et dès qu’on a pris contact, on est guidé pas à pas. Aucune question ne reste sans réponse : un courriel est envoyé dans l’heure qui suit toute demande et les échanges sont chaleureux et sécurisants.
Et ce qui ne gâche rien, bien au contraire : la ville de Saint-Petersburg est un véritable petit joyau.
Je n’ai qu’une envie, c’est pouvoir revivre la même aventure !
It was a great experience. I learned a lot and felt the progress already after a few days.
The school is perfect. I was a beginner and I felt very comfortable. The atmosphere is very familiar and lessons are not crowded at all. I love it a lot!
Thank you. After many years of studying Russian, I finally gained a better understanding of verbs of motion! Thank you. I learned so much new vocabulary plus I learned so much about the history of St. Petersburg thanks to my wonderful teachers.
I have absolutely loved my time at Derzhavin. The people and courses have been wonderful and the experience of learning Russian in Saint Petersburg has left a lasting impression. Thank you.
I really enjoyed the stay at the Derzhavin Institute! The teachers do a great job in progressing with the class’ content while making sure every student is keeping up.
While the standard classes are great already, the additional grammar classes helped me a lot in understanding how the language is working. Like this I went from basically nothing to A2 in no time!
Thank you! Looking forward to come again.
Everything your school does is so well thought out and professional. Believe me I know what to look for.
The teaching was excellent, Russian was a mystery to me at the start but it isn’t now. I remember the stress of having an EAQUALS inspection when we were inspected in IH and you guys do the routines and everything is in place all the time.
I will be back over the winter. Thanks again.
Thank you very much for an unforgettable two weeks at your school.
I will definitely recommend it to my friends who are interested in the Russian culture.
Большое спасибо!!
Thank you!
I very much enjoyed my second time at Derzhavin Institute and am sure I’ll be back perhaps next year.
I really would like to express you all my warmest thanks for this very efficient courses and very friendly staff.
I fully enjoyed my stay with your institute and I learned a lot. The courses were very interesting and I hope I will be able to come back to see you soon.
after only five days I am already missing San Peterburg and all the people at Institute!!
I just want to express my highest gratitude for all of you!! Your colleagues and the teachers are great values, and the professionality and the spontaneity made my experience just amazing!
Now I feel more confident when I have to speak and also the lessons of every day were just so well fulfilling!! I have felt immediately that I have chosen the right place for learning!! Of course, I will carry on learning the language, this was just a fantastic start for me, but also more about your lovely country, because Russian peoples are so special!!
Thank you for everything!!
I want to say a huge thank you to the Derzhavin Institute – I took a group course there a few weeks ago and it improved my language significantly.
I am even returning in the summer to do another course.
The teachers are extremely kind and helpful and made it a brilliant experience! I would definitely recommend this to anyone at any level who wants to improve their Russian.
A few years ago I attended a course at Derzhavin, standard course for a couple of months!
It was the beginning of 2014 and I can assure that not only my level of Russian imrpoved considerably, but I also met people I am still friends with, people from all over the world that luckily I meet every now and then! Moreover, no words can express how beautiful Saint Petersburg is! What are you waiting for!? Enroll in this amazing institute ASAP!
I guarantee it’ll be the experience of a Lifetime!
I decided to give my self this last chanse, if I didn’t improve after three weeks in Russia I would have quit…
I really had a great experience in Derzhavin Institute, very friendly atmosphere, very very good teachers, pacient and cheerful, very well trained in teaching and also nice activities that you can join in the afternoon. was still there and already thinking about coming back the next year even if winter time looked a little “scary” to me.
At the end of my third week I could speak much better and I could finnally feel that something in russian grammar was defenitly learned after many attempts.I would also suggest the “low season” because there is less students and you get more attention, and SPB in winter is difficult but also charming…
I really like this amazing city!
I had the opportunity this year, in August, for the third time to attend the course at this institute.
The teacher was really great and the lessons were all well structured.
I will continue my study in January 2018, since it will be even a nice match with the winter holidays.
I want to thank the Derzhavin Institute for my third fantastic experience!
My previous two visits were with my school in England, and I learnt so much from them and enjoyed them so much that I was very keen to come back on my own and have individual lessons. Though I could only manage 3 days this year, I was again impressed with the quality of teaching the Institute provided. My teacher, Irina, helped me analyse literature extracts in a way I had never done before and I thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as our chats about battles and politics!
Thank you so much to Irina and everyone else I met at the Derzhavin – you are all wonderful people and very helpful. I would really like to come back at some point in the future for longer!
Прошу принять искреннюю благодарность!
Я очень рад, что Ася Грошева была моим преподавателем во время учебы в Вашем институте. Лучшего преподавателя днём с огнём не найдешь! Она умна, практична и интеллигентна. Когда я выразил интерес к экзамену ТРКИ, Ася бескорыстно взяла на себя ответственность помочь мне подготовиться, и передала мне важные информационные материалы.
Когда меня проинформировали о том, что я получил грант на обучение в Петербурге, я был очень благодарен, но немного сомневался о том, что из себя представляет Державинский Институт. В первые 10 минут урока с Асей всё раскрылось. Она показала себя как добрый и серьезный человек. Я преподавал английский и обучался некоторым из многих подходов к усвоению языка, поэтому я ожидаю многого от своих преподавателей. Ася превысила мои ожидания. Мы не просто учим слова или глаголы – Ася предоставляет примеры, фразы и выражения в конкретном контексте, подчеркивая сочетаемость в предложениях. Поэтому, она – один из самых лучших преподавателей русского языка, у которых мне довелось учиться.
Спасибо за всё!
Je voulais vous dire que mon séjour linguistique à saint Petersbourg s’est super bien passé. L’institut Derzhavin est très très bien : j’ai eu une professeur très compétente qui m’a fait très bien travailler grâce à des cours bien structurés et intéressants.
Le programme de visites auquel on peut participer ou pas est intéressant et les personnes de l’institut sont très rendant services. La famille était bien aussi. Certes le niveau de confort n’est pas aussi élevé que le nôtre, mais tout était propre et la personne sympathique.
Bref tout était positif!
I want to thank you and everyone else in the Institute, teachers, and administration, I had a wonderful time. Everything was just perfect. I hope to come back.
I’d just like to say thank you to you and all the staff at Derzhavin Institute for a very fruitful and worthwhile 4-week stay at your school.
I was very impressed with the efficiency of organisation and the warm support and professionalism of the staff. My Russian has improved and I’m really happy with the progress I made.
I took the Russian Standard Course in 2015 e this year, just a week, because my job in Italy, and in both of them weeks, my Russian language improved.
Teachers are much prepared and during the lessons you learn writing, reading, speaking and listening Russian in an intensive mode. In case you don’t understand something, they will explain you in English too. Farthermore they will give you homeworks, so that after the lessons you can think on. I was in a homestay and I can pratice Russian with the family. The best way to pratice that you have learned is outside from the school.
I reccomend this school for people that want learn Russian, also only with basic knowledge of the language.
I had a fantastic experience in Derzhavin Institute. i took a standard groupe course + intensive course. Despite of little time spent there (only two weeks) i can confidently say that my level of russian has improved. i was really impressed by friendly atmosphere and by high professionalism of all staff. In this international system you can meet people from all over the world! The institute is localized in good position, very close to metro station and center city. Higly recommended!!!
Je laisse très rarement de commentaires sur internet, mais je vais faire ici une exception à la règle. Choisir un institut de langue est un choix compliqué. L’institut Derzhavin a répondu à toutes mes attentes. J’y ai passé le mois d’août 2016 niveau pré-intermédiaire et de ce mois je retiens :
* Format des cours : 1h30 * 2 san l’option “intensif”, mais c’est déjà bien assez ! J’ai trouvé les cours très équilibré et bien rythmés entre : lecture & vocabulaire, grammaire & conjugaison, écoute audio & vidéo et pratique de la langue. Tous les supports de cours sont fournis. En plus des cours, compter 1 heure d’étude et d’exercice en plus par jour.
* Niveau d’enseignement : le premier jour vous aurez un test de placement et vous rejoindrez une classe de votre niveau. Il y a toujours possibilité de changer de niveau (plus bas si difficultés, plus élevé sinon ou si préparation de concours, etc.). En août le groupe allait de 6 à 10 personnes ce qui laisse l’occasion à chacun de parler (à vrai dire on n’a pas vraiment le choix, ce qui est très bien). Les professeurs sont exceptionnels, vous écoutent et vous encouragent, et vous parlons des us et coutumes russes (en langue russe, forcément). J’insiste : ils sont vraiment géniaux !
* Prix : raisonnable et en définitive très bon rapport qualité/prix compte tenu de la qualité. On tourne autour d’une quinzaine d’euros par heure pour des cours qui se rapprochent de cours particuliers.
* Localisation de l’institut : pas directement au centre mais très accessible (métro…). J’avais loué un appartement entre l’institut et le centre, 25 minutes à pied dans chaque sens et en longeant le canal
* Logement : N/A (je suis passé par une location de pàp) J’ai vraiment progressé à l’oral et bien consolidé ma grammaire (et j’ai enfin compris la subtilité des verbes de mouvement) si bien que je réitère l’année prochaine. Quant à Saint-Petersbourg, c’est une ville magnifique et des plus agréables à vivre.